All tickets are sold subject to availability and subject to these Terms and Conditions. Purchase of any ticket constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
Please note that the prices detailed include booking fees (Sometimes called commission) which apply to all performances. Bookings are subject to a percentage of the face value which is charged as a fee on top of the booking. All Booking fees are broken down in the checkout process and displayed in the confirmation email. Booking Fees are non-refundable.
Better Venues is a division of GLL which is a charitable social enterprise and registered society. Booking and any other fees cover the administration costs, software fees and hardware costs for the service provision of processing and handling ticket sales as only a small percentage of the ticket price is kept by the company.
Better Venues reserves the right to alter concessions, prices and booking fees at any time. Only one discount/ concession can be used per transaction. As with all live events, named performers are subject to change as unforeseen circumstances may occur beyond the control of Better Venues.
While making your purchase, please check the accuracy of ticket information as mistakes cannot be rectified after purchase.
Removing any part of, altering or defacing the ticket may invalidate a ticket holder's ticket.
Tickets are sold subject to the Promoter's and the Management's right to make any necessary change in the performance or event owing to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances.
The Management will not be responsible for any ticket that is lost, stolen or destroyed. Duplicates may be issued at the Management's discretion. In the event of duplicate tickets being issued, a reasonable administration charge may apply.
Tickets may not be exchanged or transferred, and money will not be refunded (unless a show is cancelled). However, customers may resell their tickets via our authorised resale platform, Twickets.
The management reserves the right to cancel or abandon the performance/event for reasons beyond its control without notice and without being liable to pay any persons any compensation or damage whatsoever.
Only tickets which are purchased from Better Venues or official ticket agents will entitle you to enter the performance or event. Any forgeries or unauthorised tickets will be confiscated from you; you will not be permitted entry to the performance or event and you may face questioning from the police.
The ticket holder has a right only to a seat of a value corresponding to that stated on the ticket and the Management reserve the right to provide alternative seats to those specified on the ticket.
The Management reserves the right to make alterations to the advertised cast and programme; not to admit latecomers until the interval; to refuse admission; to provide alternative seats to those purchased of the same or greater value.
Tickets remain the property of the Management and are subject to these Terms and Conditions. If a ticket is re-sold, transferred or advertised for profit or commercial gain by anyone other than the Management, Promoter, or an authorised ticket agent, it will become voidable and the ticket holder may be refused entry to, or ejected from, the venue without refund.
Tickets obtained in breach of these Terms and Conditions shall be null and void and the Management may refuse to admit such ticket holders into the venue. Any person seeking to use such a void or fraudulent ticket in order to gain or provide entry to a performance or event will be considered to be a trespasser and will be ejected and liable to legal action. Void tickets are non-refundable.
Where a performance or event is cancelled or re-scheduled, the Management will use its reasonable endeavours to notify you using the details you provided it with at the time of booking. The Management does not guarantee that you will be informed of such cancellation before the date of the performance or event. It is the responsibility of the ticket holder to ascertain whether a performance or event has been cancelled or re-scheduled and the date and time of any re-scheduled performance or event.
It is your responsibility to inform the Management of any change to the contact address, telephone number or email address you provide it with at the time of ticket purchase.
The Management reserves the right to refuse admission in reasonable circumstances including, without limitation, for health and safety, licence restrictions, at the request of the production management or where a ticket is void.
The Management reserves the right to remove any ticket holder from the venue, without refund, on reasonable grounds including, without limitation, where the ticket holder breaches these Terms and Conditions, disrupts other audience members' enjoyment or does anything that the Management considers to be unacceptable behaviour which may cause damage, nuisance or injury.
Ticket holders must comply with instructions and directions given by the venue staff.
The unauthorised use of photographic and recording equipment of any kind within the venue(s) is strictly forbidden. Unauthorised recordings, tapes, films or similar items may be confiscated and destroyed. Any recording made of a performance or event in breach of these conditions shall belong to the Promoter and the ticket holder agrees to assign any and all rights in the recording to the Promoter.
Ticket holders consent to filming and sound recording as members of the audience. The Promoter may use such films and recordings (including any copies) without payment to ticket holders.
Mobile telephones and messaging equipment must be silenced or switched off during the event.
The Management is entitled to conduct security searches of persons and property to ensure the safety of all patrons at the venue and confiscate any item which in the opinion of the Management may cause danger or disruption to other members of the audience or the performance or event or is one of the items not permitted in the venue as listed in these Terms and Conditions.
The Management reserves the right to allow audience members to stand in seated areas of the auditorium.
Ticket holders may only leave and then re-enter the venue during a performance as required by the venue's health and safety obligations or at the discretion of the Management. Otherwise, there shall be no re-admissions or pass-outs of any kind. Every effort to admit latecomers will be made at a suitable break in the performance or event, but admission cannot always be guaranteed. In such circumstances, no refund and/or exchanges will be offered.
A ticket must be purchased for children aged 2 years and over. Parents and/or supervisors are responsible for supervising children in their care at all times and supervision of children shall be by not less than 1 adult per 10 children. The Management reserves the right to ask parents/supervisors to remove children if, in their opinion, they are causing a disturbance. Babes in arms (children under 2 years of age) will only be admitted into a performance or event without a ticket upon management authorisation.
The following are not permitted within the venue: smoking; laser pens; animals (except guide dogs); ticket holders' own food and drink; bottles, cans or glass containers; any item which may be interpreted as a potential weapon (including sharp or pointed objects such as knives); and illegal substances. Alcohol may only be consumed in public bars and other authorised areas.
The obstruction of gangways, access ways, exits, entrances or staircases, congregating in non-designated areas or seeking entry to stands or seats for which ticket holders do not hold a Ticket is strictly forbidden.
Ticket holders must comply with all relevant statutes, safety announcements and venue regulations whilst attending the performance or event. For health and safety reasons, the Management reserves the right to restrict access to parts of the venue.
If ticket holders have any special requirements or concerns about any special effects (for example lighting or sound effects) which may be featured at the performance or event, prior notice should be provided when ordering the tickets or as soon as the management are informed that the performance may contain special effects.
Ticket holders are advised that official merchandise is usually only available inside the venue. The Management does not accept any responsibility for the sale of merchandise (official or otherwise) in or outside the venue.
Ticket holders shall not bring into the venue or display or distribute (whether for free or not) at the event any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.
Except to the extent that the Management is required or permitted by law, personal information provided by you to the Management will be used for all purposes reasonably connected with the operations of the venue including (but not limited to): supplying you with the goods that you request and transferring or disclosing the information provided to the Management's professional advisors, NHS Test & Trace and any other parties as it considers necessary in the administration of its business. The Management will not use or disclose your personal information to any other party or for any other reason other than as set out in these Terms and Conditions without your prior consent. If you have any queries about this, please write to the Management.
The Management shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost, or expense, except in respect of death or personal injury resulting from any act or omission on the part of the Management.
Neither the Management nor the Promoter will be responsible for any loss, theft or damage of ticket holders' personal belongings, other than caused as a result of the negligence or other breach of statutory duty of the Management or the Promoter. Any such liability shall be limited to the reasonable cost of either replacing or repairing such property (subject to fair wear and tear). Please ensure that no bags or other items of personal property are left unattended anywhere in the venue.
If a performance takes place, despite weather conditions, Better Venues will not issue refunds to patrons who did not attend due to circumstances outside of our control, e.g. inclement weather conditions, transport difficulties etc. When in doubt, call 0333 3355 055 to confirm the performance is still taking place.
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "Force Majeure" means any cause beyond our control including, without limitation, act of God, war, insurrection, riot, civil disturbances, acts of terrorism, fire, explosion, flood, theft, malicious damage, strike, lockout, weather, third party injunction, national defence requirements, pandemic, acts or regulations of national or local governments. The Management will not be liable to you for failure to perform any obligation under these Terms and Conditions to the extent that the failure is caused by Force Majeure.
Customers must also adhere to the venue's specific terms of entry and protocols surrounding Covid-19 – this could be but is not limited to, an obligation to provide a negative Covid test result, provide proof of vaccination via the NHS Covid Pass and/or proof of natural immunity. If you do not comply with the specific entry requirements management reserves the right to refuse entry and/or remove the ticket holder and the rest of their party from the venue with no refund.